Everything You Need To Know About Eye Exams

Escrito por | Vision Health

Cuando se trata de citas con el médico, los exámenes oculares son frecuentemente ignorados. ¿Cuándo debes realizarte un examen ocular? ¿Y cuánto costará? VC Vision cuenta con todo lo que debes saber sobre el examen ocular.
eye exams

¿Cuándo debes realizarte un examen ocular?

If you wear glasses or contacts, it’s recommended that you visit the eye doctor once per year. Consistent eye exams are crucial to maintaining a correct prescription and overall eye health. When our customers ask us “How often should you get an eye exam,” we recommend the following:

  • Adults with normal vision should get an eye exam every three years.
  • Seniors, or adults above 60, should get an eye exam every year.
  • Adults and children with prescription eyeglasses or contacts should get an eye exam every year.

¿Qué es un examen ocular?

Un examen ocular le dará una imagen completa de su salud ocular, también sabrá si tiene problemas o enfermedades.

Cómo saber si necesitas una nueva receta

Las señales de advertencia de una receta que necesita reemplazada incluyen:

  • Dolores de Cabeza Frecuentes
  • Visión Borrosa
  • Estrabismo Excesivo
  • Fatiga Ocular

If you believe you have an outdated prescription, we recommend finding a licensed optometrist capable of providing a comprehensive eye exam. VC Vision would be proud to assist you, as well. It’s easy to call us at (817)-200-4333 or walk-in anytime to get a fast, precise eye exam. 

Getting an eye exam is fast (and easier) than you think. 

We know your time is valuable, and so is your vision. That’s why we spent years making precision eye exams fast and convenient.

Here’s how the process goes:

1. Our optometrist asks you to identify a series of letters or images at a distance. This is a basic measure of visual acuity. Next, he performs a refraction test. The results of both evaluations will determine your prescription.

2. The latest technology makes eye health screening a quick and comfortable process. Major eye health issues can be ruled out in under a minute. We check closely for conditions such as:

  • Glaucoma
  • Astigmatismo
  • Cataratas
  • Degeneración Ocular Relacionada Con la Edad

3. Once you leave our optometrists office, our team is already busy preparing and shaping new lenses that match your new prescription.

We’re proud to offer fine eye care to our community. Schedule an appointment today and get help from an experienced optometrist and one the foremost eye care and vision specialists in DFW.

¿Cuánto tiempo dura un examen ocular?

At most optical clinics, eye exams can last all the way from thirty minutes to an hour. VC Vision regularly completes eye exams in 15 minutes or less.

¿Cuánto cuesta un examen ocular?

Es posible que tu compañía de seguro no cubra todos los costos. VC Vision ofrece exámenes oculares completos a precios asequibles:

  • Para Gafas: $75
  • Sin Gafas: $39.98
  • Para Lentes de Contacto: $119.98

VC Vision offers affordable financing options on top of our already low prices. We also accept FSA and HSA insurance.

Come to VC Vision for your next eye exam

If you’re experiencing a common eye problem like blurred vision, or if it’s time for your next eye exam, come over to VC Vision.

We’re skilled eye care professionals born and raised right here in North Fort Worth. This is our community. So when we say we want to help, we mean it.

To get an eye exam, call us directly at  (817)-200-4333 or schedule an appointment right from your phone. 


The VC Vision Team

Los optometristas estan disponibles 6 días a la semana

Ven para un examen ocular en el día y la hora que sea conveniente para ti.